Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Hawks

Always wanted the Hawks in 13" format, and was disappointed when DC announced they weren't planning to do them due to cost.

Head sculpts were enlarged from the Alex Ross Hawks done in 7" form. Used Hydrospan100 enlarging polymer: made latex molds from original sculpts, cast using Hydrospan, immersed resulting heads in water until they swelled to suitable size. Remolded in latex, then recast using white liquid plastic. Sanded, painted and filled. Took ages, but I'm happy with how they turned out.

Costumes were more straightforward: Aquaman leggings for HM (used AM as base body), and found identical material for Hawkgirl. Handstitched boots. Used heavy yellow leather to simulate Nth metal harness, boot trim and belt. Wigs were sourced out, dyed grey and drilled into backs.

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